Computer diagnostics of a car is one of the components of a long and trouble-free operation of your car, thanks to it you will save on repairs and avoid serious breakdowns. Our hundred conducts diagnostics of a car before buying, which will show all the hidden nuances of the car, whether the mileage is twisted, whether the pipes in the car are rusted. We advise you to undergo computer diagnostics at least once every six months, before a business trip more than 400 km, in order to avoid surprises on the road.
If there is any suspicion of any malfunctions in the operation of a car’s auto electrician, computer diagnostics is what you should start with first. Timely diagnostics helps to determine how safe and reliable a car is, to draw appropriate conclusions about the safety of its operation. And, if necessary, carry out auto repair.
We employ highly qualified specialists with work experience of 6 years and more. Preparation of parts in compliance with all technologies, warm room, infrared lamps for drying.
Delivery Cars
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Happy Clients
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Years On Market
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Our Repair Team
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Verlassen Sie sich auf unsere Fachkenntnisse und moderne Technologie, um Ihre Klimaanlagen fachgerecht zu warten und zu reparieren. ...
Achsvermessung mit modernster Technologie
Vertrauen Sie unserer modernen Technologie und Fachkompetenz, um eine akkurate Achsvermessung durchzuführen. Wir gewährleisten optimale Fahrzeugausrichtung und -leistung durch den...
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